My career path
The realization of a passion
Originally from Passy, ​​I have always been passionate about horses. Holder of a Galop 6 and with an interest in living sciences, I started veterinary studies at the University of Turin in Italy in 2013. I realized that it did not completely meet my expectations and I reoriented myself towards farriery in 2017, because it seemed to me to be the best way for me to study equine locomotion.
I did my training, by apprenticeship, with Mr. BREHIN Stéphane, Farrier (Mayenne), Member of the French farrier team and several times champion of France. This professional allowed me to learn the trade, gave me his multiple technical knowledges in view of his great experience. I was also able to participate in numerous competitions and training courses, especially at CIRALE (ENVA) or during the Maréchalerie Equimeeting.
Holder of the CAPa of Farriery, I wanted to deepen my knowledges by continuing the training with the same professional to obtain the Brevet de Technicien des Métiers (BTM) in 2020.
This additional training over 2 years as well as various experiences abroad (Newmarket-GB: race horses shoeing) and in different equestrian disciplines (Jumping, Dressage, Endurance, Eventing, Hiking ...), associated with my regular participations in professional competitions alongside the best farriers, allow me today to be able to respond to all requests for the well-being of equines and their performance. I am also part of the organizing committee of Equijunior.